Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Drawing One Final: Diptych Drawings

So this semester I took Drawing and Composition 1 and boy am I grateful. I thought I couldn't draw. Apparently I can, I just have to put in a lot of effort. But that's ok because he more you practice the more naturally it comes. The final drawing for this class is a "diptych" drawing which consist of 2 pages that are connected by being one large piece on 2 sheets or conceptually. Either way both parts should be able to stand alone as a work of art as well as be harmonious to one another.

The requirements:
  • Effective composition development
  • Accurate measurement of Proportin
  • Contour line control and variation
  • cross-contour lines
  • perspective - the illusion of depth by any means necessary
  • minimum size for each side is 18 X 12 inches, no maximum size
  • can't be nonsensical or random
  • completed project must be inked out, color is optional

So I started by using Google and Pinterest to see some examples of diptych drawings. Not all of the results were actually diptych but it started to give me more of a feel for what I am supposed to be doing. From what I've seen so far, I'm leaning more towards doing to related opposites, two parts of a story, or two different angles of the same scene. I'm not really feeling the one large piece idea but we shall see.

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