Thursday, December 11, 2014

New Project Ideas for winter break

There are a lot of things I want to do winter break. I usually want to do a lot of things on break and end up doing nothing but watching TV (which is weird since I barely watch it anyway), watching movies, watching YouTube, reading books, reading comics or manga..... you see where this is going. Anyway this break I want to actually do some of the ideas I come up with.

I want to:
  • Make a drawing for a celebration of Martin Luther King's 50th anniversary contest
  • Fix the wire sculpture Dance
  • Redo the Fantasy City perspective project from my Freshman Design 1 class
  • Do a colored version of the cross-contour self-portrait from Drawing 1
  • Make a smock to wear in painting class (I'm taking it in the spring)
  • Finish the my pinstripe blazer and matching pants ( I used to sew)
  • Finish my gold traditionally inspired Chinese dress jacket
That's it for big projects (ones that take longer two hours). I'm sure there is other stuff I can do to but I don't want to overwhelm myself, especially since I'll be working too.

So far I've:

  • Done some research for the King contest. Next is to do some more along with some sketches.
  • Used the light table at school to make copies of fantasy city and the cross-contour self-portrait
  •  Discovered most of my sewing supplies are missing or ruined
Anyway that's all for now.

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